Friday, December 25, 2009

Blue Sky Photos

There was a question about blue skies in photos. If you have a blown out, white sky there isn't much you can do about it after the fact. You'd have to fake in another sky with a photo of a blue sky layered with the original one in Photoshop. There are many different ways to go about it. You can use masking, or place the sky layer under the original layer and carefully erase away the white sky revealing the blue underneath.

It's easier to get blue sky in your photos if:
1. The sun is behind you.
2. It's early or late in the day.
3. You have a polarizing filter or better yet a graduated filter which is darker at the top (for sky).
4. You aren't standing in the shade yourself.

For people photos with sky behind them use a fill flash if you must.

It can be a difficult thing to balance when you adjust to expose for the sky, because your subject may be too dark. So you can bracket and combine the exposures. Research "bracketing". It basically means taking multiple photos, each at a different exposure, some with a darker exposure, some lighter, then combining them in layers.
You can also bracket your focus for some cool macro. Check this out: Bracketing